Abdul Rawoof Pinjari


Ph.D, University of Texas at Austin

Phone: 2293 2043 (CiSTUP)

Email: abdul@iisc.ac.in


Research Interests

Abdul’s research is in mathematical modelling of human choice (consumer)behaviour in infrastructure service systems, particularly in transportation systems. He uses choice modelling and statistical/econometric data analytic methods for travel behaviour analysis; passenger and freight travel demand modelling; public transportation systems planning; and integrated land-use and transport modelling.

His contributions to multidimensional and discrete-continuous choice modelling have made way into applied research and regional transportation modelling practice.

His recent research has been on:

(a) incorporating deviations from rationality in user behaviour,

(b) modelling behaviour in complex travel environments, and

(c) use of disparate data sources for estimating travel demand by emerging modes such as on-demand mobility as a service.

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